Greece - Your Gateway to EU



The government of Greece introduced a “Golden Visa Programme” to obtain residence permits for investors and their families* via real estate investment, the value of which exceeds €250.000. The permits can be renewed every five (5) years and investors are eligible for citizenship and EU passport after seven (7) years of residency, adopting a friendlier stance towards those who wish to own real estate property in Greece.


At €250,000, this programme offers the lowest cost residency in Europe. Properties can be either residential or commercial and located anywhere on the Greek mainland or the islands. The investor can combine a number of properties in order to reach the minimum investment threshold of €250,000. In addition, joint buyers can invest into one property and take advantage of the scheme (e.g. A joint investment of €500.000 for one property by two buyers (€250.000 each), will grant residency visas for both of the investors and their families). Should an investor decides to sell their property to another non-EU citizen, residency permits are fully transferable to the new investor and their family for the remaining period.


Once granted the Greek residency, permit holders and all family members are allowed to travel throughout the EU Schengen* area with their residency card and without the need of further visa applications. Holders of Greek residency permits can travel from their home country directly to a country within the Schengen area without travelling through Greece.


Another major advantage enjoyed by holders of permanent investor residence permit, is that following their initial entry into Greece, they have no other obligation to stay in the country for any length of time, without affecting in any way their residence permit. Therefore, after signing the property purchase contract or even after filing the application for his permanent residence permit, the investor(s) may depart from Greece to their home country.


Click here to get in touch with a member of our team for further information and don't forget to visit our FAQ section where we answer some of the most common questions about the programme.



*= According the information above, investors can be accompanied by their family members, who will be granted the appropriate entry Visa. Members are:

a. Spouses,

b. Children who are under the age of 21,

c. Parents of both the investor and the spouse.


*= EU Schengen Zone countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.